International conference
"Innovative Technologies for Joining Advanced Materials"
TIMA25, November 06-07, 2025
Timişoara, Romania
Dear partners,
We are happy to invite you to celebrate together 55 years of tradition in welding and material testing, into the frame of the 16th edition of the international conference1 INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES FOR JOINING ADVANCED MATERIALS - TIMA25, organized in a hybrid manner, at the Faculty of Electronics, Telecomunications and Information Technology from Politehnica University of Timișoara (Vasile Pârvan blvd. no. 2, Room) and online, using the ZOOM platform), between 06-07 November 2025, at Timișoara, România.
Selected papers of the Conference will be indexed in major international databases, ISI or SCOPUS.
In the same time, hereby we invite you to participate at the conference as author (enrolment / abstract template / full paper template) of scientific paper and/or reviewer (enrolment) and/or as a sponsor (information and enrolment), by sending the enrolment form complited at
Information about accommodation, place of the meeting conference, ZOOM platform link and festive diner please find here.
Download the first announcement of the conference here.
NEW: AGENDA - here.
Mátrai Hegesztéstechnikai Kft S.C. TUBAL EXPERT S.R.L.
Topics of the conference
- New joining technologies;
- Modelling and simulation of welding processes;
- Specific problems in advanced materials joining;
- Characterization of advanced materials and joints;
- Fracture mechanics, damage of advanced materials and remaining life assessment;
- Quality of welded joints and welded structures;
- Engineering applications of surface coatings;
- Non-Destructive Testing (NDT);
- Nanoscience, nanotechnology and composites.
- Submission of abstracts: September 01, 2025 / Abstract acceptance: September 03, 2025;
- Submission of papers: September 30, 2025 / Acceptance of papers: October 10, 2025;
- Registration of participants: November 06, 2025
The event is organizing in cooperation with Politehnica University Timişoara and Technical Sciences Academy of Romania - Timişoara Branch.
Organizing Committees
- PhD. Eng. Nicuşor-Alin SÎRBU - National R&D Institute for Welding and Material Testing - ISIM Timişoara, Romania - Conference Chair;
- Assoc. Prof. Phd. Eng. Florin DRĂGAN - Politehnica University Timişoara, Romania;
- Phd. Eng. Gheorghe LUCACI - Technical Sciences Academy of Romania - Timişoara Branch, Romania.
Scientific Committee
- Bogdan RADU - Assoc. Prof. Phd. Eng. - Politehnica University Timişoara, Romania - Scientific Committee Chair;
- Nicuşor-Alin SÎRBU - Phd. Eng. - National R&D Institute for Welding and Material Testing - ISIM Timişoara, Romania;
- Viorel-Aurel ȘERBAN - Prof. Phd. Eng. Habil. - Politehnica University Timişoara, Romania;
- Ilare BORDEAȘU - Prof. Phd. Eng. Habil. - Politehnica University Timişoara, Romania;
- Gabriela MĂRGINEAN - Prof. Phd. Eng. - University of Applied Sciences, Gelsenkirchen, Germany;
- Andrei Victor SANDU - Assoc. Prof. PhD. Eng. Habil. - "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi, Romania;
- Fernando MAÑAS - Phd. Eng.- Asociación Española de Soldadura y Tecnologías de Unión, Spain;
- Aleksandar SEDMAK - Prof. Phd. Eng. - University of Belgrade, Serbia;
- Slobodan KRALJ - Prof. Phd. Eng. - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Zagreb, Croatia;
- Leonid LOBANOV - Phd. Eng. - The E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute, Kiev, Ukraine;
- Liviu MARSAVINA - Prof. Phd. Eng. - Politehnica University Timişoara, Romania;
- Viorel UNGUREANU - Prof. Phd. Eng. - Politehnica University Timişoara, Romania;
- Alin Constantin MURARIU - Phd. Eng. - National R&D Institute for Welding and Material Testing - ISIM Timişoara, Romania;
- Cosmin CODREAN - Assoc. Prof. Phd. Eng. - Politehnica University Timişoara, Romania;
- Dorin DEHELEAN - Prof. Phd. Eng. Habil. - Romanian Welding Society, Romania;
- Eugen GHITA - Assoc. Prof. Phd. Eng. - Politehnica University Timişoara, Romania;
- Monica IORDACHE - Assoc. Prof. Phd. Eng. - Politehnica University Piteşti, Romania;
- Eduard NIȚU - Prof. Phd. Eng. - Politehnica University Pitești, Romania;
- Mihail ȚÎȚU - Prof. Phd. Eng. - "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu, Romania;
- Adem KURT - Prof. Phd. Eng. - Gazi Üniversitesi Teknoloji Fakültesi, Metalurji ve Malzeme Mühendisliğii Bölümü, Turkiye;
- Sanja PETRONIC - Phd. Eng. - University of Belgrade, Serbia;
- Jan PILARCZYK - Phd. Eng. - Instytut Spawalnictwa, Gliwice, Poland;
- Ionel-Dănuț SAVU - Prof. Phd. Eng. Habil. - University of Craiova, Romania;
- Sorin Vasile SAVU - Prof. Phd. Eng. - University of Craiova, Romania;
- Elena SCUTELNICU - Prof. Phd. Eng. - "Dunărea de Jos" University of Galaţi, Romania;
- Dorin BORDEAȘU - Phd. Eng. - Politehnica University Timişoara, Romania;
- Christopher SMALLBONE - Phd. Eng. - WTIA CEO Emeritus, IIW Director, Australia;
- Ion Dragoş UŢU - Prof. Phd. Eng. Habil. - Politehnica University Timişoara, Romania;
- Cristian COSMA - Assoc. Prof. Phd. Eng. - Politehnica University Timişoara, Romania;
- Abderrazak BOUTRAMINE - Dr. eng. - Ibn Zohr University Agadir, Morocco;
- Judit KOVACS - PhD. Eng. Associate research fellow– University of Miskolc, Hungary;
- Fatima ZORRO - PhD. Eng. Project Manager, European Federation for Welding, Joining and Cutting (EWF), Belgium;
- Boshra SALEM - PhD Environmental Sciences -Faculty of Science- Alexandria University, Egypt;
- Marwa HALMY - PhD Environmental Sciences -Faculty of Science- Alexandria University, Egypt;
- Mohamed ESSID - PHD anD lecture - Faculty ISET SFAX, Tunis;
- Samar KAILANI - MSC Architecture, General’s Secretary’s assistant for Training and Qualification Director of Engineers Academy for Training and Development/ Jordan Engineers Association, Jordan;
- Emam YASSIN - Master of Business Administrator (MBA), Head of Training & studies Department, Jordan Engineers Association, Jordan.
- PhD. Eng. Nicuşor-Alin SÎRBU - National R&D Institute for Welding and Material Testing - ISIM Timişoara, Romania
Conference Secretary
- PhD. student Jur. Aurelia-Ioana BIHOLAR;
- PhD. Eng. Gabriela-Victoria MNERIE.
Hoping that you will accept our invitation, we kindly ask you to confirm your participation by e-mail at
Kind Regards,
PhD. Eng. Nicuşor-Alin SÎRBU
General Manager of ISIM Timişoara
[1] The conference proceedings will be published in the Trans Tech Publications' periodicals 'Key Engineering Materials', and/or 'Materials Science Forum', and/or 'Solid State Phenomena (printed and online)', and/or 'Defect and Diffusion Forum', and/or 'Journal of Nano Research' and/or 'Nano Hybrids and Composites'*(online), selected materials science related papers only, with Indexing and DOI. The periodical will be available in full text online at, and/or www.,, and/or, and/or, and/or