Main competences

  • Materials investigated:

- Aluminum

- Titanium

- Steel

- Composites

- Polymers

- Biocompatible

- Memory shape metals

  • Electron and optical microscopy
  • Hardness tests
  • Tensile tests
  • Impact Charpy test
  • NDT


  • 8 Engineers
  • 2 Technicians
  • 1 Welder


  • Tensile testing machine
  • Electron microscope
  • Optical microscope
  • NDT equipment (UT, PT, ET, RT, VT)
  • Hardness testing machine

List of references

  1. Automated nondestructive examination of railway  ball bearings Farbaş, N., (ISIM Timişoara) Chiriac, H., (Institutul de Fizică Tehnică, Iaşi), Popovici, I.,(ICPE-CA Bucureşti), The 5th International Conference  “Structural Integrity of welded structures”, Testing&Risk assessment of advanced materials and joints, 20-21 November 2007, Timişoara , România
  2. Structural transformations in the characteristics zones of the heterogeneous welded joints, type metal-metal, subjected to PWHT - Pascu, D.R., Pascu M.(ISIM Timişoara) 13th International Symposium on Metallography, Metallography’07, 2-4 May 2007, Stara Lesna , Slovakia
  3. Evaluarea fenomenelor de îmbătrânire la tronsoanele sudate din oţel 12CrMoV3 de pe un circuit termic al termocentralei Halânga Pascu, D.R., (ISIM Timişoara), Băltean, Gh.,(RAAN ROMAG TERMO, Dr. Turnu Severin), Groza I.(ISIM Timişoara), Conferinţa Internaţională a ASR „SUDURA 2007” , 26-28 septembrie 2007, Timişoara, România
Integral Design